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IMPORTANT NOTEDuring 2024 and 2025 we will be limiting our focus to existing clients only. Currently we will only be traveling to a client’s location for training programs of 8 or more participants. For individual and small groups, we will be providing our coaching and training services virtually via Zoom.  Learn More

Showing Up Virtually

Showing Up Virtually

Date: October 19, 2020

By now you may be suffering from virtual fatigue!  Whether on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx or any of a host of virtual platforms most of us have accepted this is the new normal and we are making it work.  Except just making it work is not helping your “net impression” with senior management, customers or

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Date: June 12, 2019

The 2020 Presidential Campaign is reaching a fevered pitch with 20+ Democrat candidates vying for our attention. Standing out from the crowd is a major strategy whether that is taking an emphatic stand on a controversial issue or, like Beto O’Rourke, using body language to attract attention. But how much is too much? Entertainment columnist,

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Executive Presence – What is it and how do you get it?

Executive Presence – What is it and how do you get it?

Date: February 7, 2019

In organizations across the world the phrase “executive presence” has come to be known as that extra something that makes you an inspiring leader and can take you to the top of your company. Without it, you can be lost in the middle manager ranks for decades. Executive presence is not a technique or a

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